What is the “eiscaa” Accreditation?
“eiscaa” Accreditation is a third party recognition of competence to perform specific tasks that provides a means to identify a proven, competent evaluator. Accreditation makes the selection of a laboratory, inspection or certification body an informed choice.
“eiscaa” Accreditation means the evaluator can demonstrate to its customer that it has been successful at reaching the requirements of specific international standards. Usually the reason for getting something independently evaluated is to confirm it meets specific requirements in order to reduce risks. Obvious examples are product failure, health risks, company reputation or to meet legal or customer requirements. Anything or anyone can be evaluated - products, equipment, people, management systems or organizations.
Accreditation by eiscaa means that evaluators: testing and calibration laboratories, inspection and certification bodies have been assessed against internationally recognized standards by the values of UN millennium Goals to demonstrate their competence, impartiality and performance capability.
Companies big and small buy independent evaluations either through choice (to reduce the risk of product failure for example) or as a consequence of legal requirements (such as health and safety regulations). Most commonly these evaluations are calibration of equipment, product testing, and inspection of equipment and certification of quality management systems.
Equivalence of the accreditation activities is assured by periodic assessments of each “eiscaa” partner based on international guides and standards. The training of auditors is conducted on national and international levels. The international reputation and high competence makes “eiscaa” a reliable partner. “eiscaa” is involved in international standardization, and accreditation activities. Furthermore, it works closely together with sector representation groups. “eiscaa” accredited organizations profit from:
Equivalence of the accreditation activities is assured by periodic assessments of each “eiscaa” partner based on international guides and standards. The training of auditors is conducted on national and international levels. The international reputation and high competence makes “eiscaa” a reliable partner. “eiscaa” is involved in international standardization, and accreditation activities. Furthermore, it works closely together with sector representation groups. “eiscaa” accredited organizations profit from:
- enhanced business performance and facilitated international trade, including quality and safety of products, processes and services
- competent assessment and certification services according to their needs
- simplified and harmonized certification processes on a national and international level
- recognized accreditation issued by “eiscaa” partners
- the “eiscaa” accreditation, which provides an international passport towards global recognition
How to become an “eiscaa-Accredited “Certification Body
“eiscaa” assesses and accredits certification bodies (CBs) that demonstrate competence to audit and certify organizations conforming to management systems standards. Accreditation by a recognized and respected body such as “eiscca” ensures the impartiality and competence of the CB and fosters confidence and acceptance of the CB's certifications by end users in the public and private sectors.
Requirements for CBs:
The first step in becoming an eiscca -accredited certification body is to become familiar with requirements and the accreditation process.. Accreditation (or formal application for accreditation) to a base standard is a prerequisite for accreditation for subordinate standards. There may also be a time requirement. For example, a CB must be accredited for ISO 9001 for at least a year before the CB can be accredited to audit and issue certificates to aerospace standards.
Reference Documents for Management Systems CBs:
“Eiscca “ requires that CBs for all types of management systems conform to the most recent versions of:
ISO/IEC 17021:2011, Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems)
ISO 19011:2011, Guidelines for auditing management systems
So, all new applicants must conform to ISO/IEC 17021:2011. To be able to apply for accreditation, a CB must first provide “eiscca” evidence that it meets base requirements outlined in ISO/IEC 17021 and ISO 19011:2011
Accreditation Process
The initial accreditation process is illustrated below:

The accreditation period is typically four years. During that period, there is ongoing surveillance, which includes an annual office assessment and an annual witnessed audit. A complete reassessment is required every four years. Increased surveillance may required if the CB wishes to extend the scope of accreditation (for ISO 9001) to cover additional industry sectors or to participate in certain specialty fields. If a CB becomes accredited for additional standards, the re-accreditation cycle may be aligned for all standards and the accreditation period for the added standard(s) may be less than four years.
After the CB submits information to “eiscca”, a coordinator reviews the CB's information with “eiscca” management. If the CB's information is not acceptable, the CB is given additional opportunities to re-submit the information.
“eiscca” reserves the right to stop the application process at any time if “eiscca” feels the CB will not be able to meet the base requirements for accreditation.
Tips for Selecting a Certification Body
Accreditation by a reputable body
Industry experience, background, and expertise
For ISO 9001 CBs, approval to work in the appropriate scope category
Recommendations from your clients or customers
References provided by the CB
Scheduling issues and ability to meet your time frame
All aspects of the CB fee schedule
Your comfort level in establishing a long term relationship with a CB